July 12-13, 2017 | Pennsylvania Hotel, NYC

2017 New York and Northeast Accounting Show

The 9th annual largest meeting of accounting professionals in New York each year.

New York CPA Audience Profile:

1. Over 1,100 New York CPAs came to the 2015 New York Accounting Show in May 2015. This audience is un-duplicated from other events.

2. These 1,100 are New York licensed CPAs traveling by train from Long Island, Westchester and upstate New York, and subways, buses, and taxis from Manhattan. Some CPAs live in New Jersey and are licensed New York CPAs with offices located in midtown Manhattan. CPAs licensed in New Jersey CPA drive and attend the New Jersey Accounting Show also produced by Flagg Management Inc.

3. The 9th Annual New York Accounting Show is sponsored by NCCPAP, the Long Island CPA association. Many of those are in attendance at our New York Accounting Show are members of NCCPAP, including speakers on the program. Sandra Johnson CPA, for instance, is the president of NCCPAP and she was a speaker on our CPE program in 2015 and will be a speaker on our New York Accounting Show CPE program in 2016 in July.

4. There is no other New York Accounting Show in New York in 2016. This is an opportunity to meet an un-duplicated market of influential New York CPAs from public and private accounting practices, including the headquarters offices of major CPA firms, as well as small and medium sized CPA firms.

5. Location-location-location - within 10 blocks for the Pennsylvania Hotel and Penn Station are 4,000 CPAs who commute daily by train, subway, bus, taxi from Greater New York.

6. This is the nucleus of our New York audience, and the opportunity to meet and sell CPAs and accounting professional face to face. 

Flagg Management, Inc - 353 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10016 - Tel. (212) 286-0333  Fax (212) 286-0086 - flaggmgmt@msn.com